OPD Consultation: Out Patient Consultation Includes – General Dermatology, Medical Cosmetology, Occupational Dermatology, Pediatric Dermatology, Trichology(Hair) Clinic, Vitiligo Clinic, STD Clinic, Allergy Clinic etc…………
Laser Hair Removal: Unwanted hair growth of both males & females, over body parts such as the face, neck, chest, abdomen and limbs can be permanently reduced with the Diode laser. We offer effective treatment with state-of-art world class laser machine; Light Sheer Diode Laser.
We may get significant hair reduction of 70 – 90% after 6-7 sessions of treatment. Non-facial hair like hairs in axilla and chest respond well. Today this treatment has become popular even among males to get rid of unwanted body hair.
Laser Skin Re surfacing: With Fractional CO2 laser we can improve common skin conditions like pimple scars, wrinkles, fine lines, signs of skin ageing etc, it also improves the elasticity of the skin.
Birth mark & Tattoo Removal: Tattoos and birth marks removal can be done more comfortably and effectively with Q-Switched ND yag laser. Our doctors can remove tattoos from the skin in a series of treatments. Pulses of light energy penetrate in to the tattoo or skin lesion and break the ink or excess melanin down into small particles. The body then filters these ink particles out through natural processes.

Skin Rejuvenation/ Pigmentation: Skin discoloration / dark spots on the face, or patchy brownish lesions in the face, can be treated &removed by Microdermabrasion or Chemical peeling, or Q-Switched ND yag laser based on the type and gravity of pigmentation.
Non Surgical Fat reduction & Body Contouring: We use Ultra Sound Cavitation & Non ablative Radio-Frequency to reduce the cellulite & fats, and to tighten & tone the skin. The areas are treated to stimulate blood circulation, breakdown fats and effectively tighten the skin. The best areas for this treatment are hips, abdomen, thighs, buttocks, and hands.
Non surgical Face lift & Wrinkle reduction: Non ablative Radiofrequency waves create heat in deeper skin layers, which stimulate collagen fibers, which cause a visible tightening of the skin and look more youthful
Acne & Pimple Scar Treatment: Acne(Pimples) has many variants, and grades such as black heads, white heads, papules, pustules, nodules, cysts, acne rosacea, acne conglobata and acne scars. So the treatment of the acne depends on the grade of the acne. However severe form of acne needs medical intervention.
Acne can appear because of excessive sebum production, clogging of pores, lack of vitamins, improper diet, etc. Acne can appear on the face, chest, back and upper arms. We offer different technologies that are suitable for treating mild to most stubborn and active Acne. Micodermabrasion, Salicylic Peel, Glycolic Peel, Derma roller, Laser re surfacing etc…. Treatment For Hair loss & Baldness: Stem cell therapy will help in the hair re-growth and hair grows by providing essential nutrients to the hair follicle. This liquid is injected into the scalp by a series of micro-injections or laser comb. It is absolutely safe. Hair re-growth is seen at a 60-70% rate. Stem cells are principally responsible for the production of hair.
Mole / Skin Tag removal: For moles and skin tags or DPN removal we are using Radio frequency, Electric Cautery or Co2 laser, |